Parent Council Constitution
Balbardie Primary School ("school"), Bathgate West Nursery and Bathgate Early Years Centre ("nurseries") Parent Council Constitution.

Parent Council Constitution
Balbardie Primary School ("school"), Bathgate West Nursery and Bathgate Early Years Centre ("nurseries") Parent Council Constitution.
* The objectives of the Parent Council are to:
· work in partnership with the school, nurseries and community, to create a welcoming environment which is inclusive of all parents/carers
· promote partnership between the school and nurseries, its pupils and all its parents/ carers
· develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils
· identify and represent the views of parents/carers on the education provided by the school & nurseries and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils
* The Parent Council will be made up of a Chair Person, Vice Chair Person, Treasurer and a minimum of one representative from each school year group and nursery. These posts will be filled on the evening of the AGM in August/September.
* Members of the Council will be elected for a period of one year after which they may put themselves forward for re-selection if they wish. All the parents/carers of children at the school and nurseries can take part in the selection process.
* Parent council meeting will run with a minimum of 4 parents/carers present.
* A member of the Parent Council failing to attend three consecutive meetings without reason/apologies may be deemed to have retired from the Parent Council.
* The Parent Council may co-opt up to six persons to assist with carrying out its functions. E.g. Local Councillors, Local Community police, or a person from the Community.
* Co-opted members will be invited to serve for a period of one year after which time the Parent Council will review requirements for co-opted membership.
* The Fundraising Committee, the Float Committee, and Parent Engagement are sub committees of the Parent Council and are represented by full members of the Parent Council.
* If one fifth of the Parent Forum (**) requests a special general meeting to discuss issues falling within the Council's remit, the Parent Council shall arrange this. The Parent Council shall give all members of the Forum at least one week's notice of the meeting and, at the same time, circulate notice of the matter or matters to be discussed at the meeting. (**Parent Forum is made up of all parents/carers of children in attendance at the school and nurseries).
* The Annual General Meeting will be held in August/September of each year. A notice of the meeting including date, time and place shall be sent to all members of the Parent Forum at least one week in advance. The meeting will include: -
· a report on the work of the Parent Council and its sub committees
· selection of the new Parent Council
· discussion of issues that members of the Parent Forum may wish to raise
* The Parent Council will meet at least 6 times per school year.
*Sub committees should meet between Parent Council meetings and provide report - verbal or written to members at each Parent Council meeting.
* Should a vote be necessary to make a decision, each member of the Parent Council and the Parent Forum at the meeting will have one vote, with the Chair Person having a casting vote in the event of a tie. Co-opted members and school staff have no vote.
* Copies of the minutes of all meetings will be available within two weeks to all parents/carers of children at the school and nurseries and to all teachers at the school and nurseries. Copies will be available on the school website
* Meetings of the Parent Council shall be open to all parents/carers unless the Parent Council is discussing an issue which it considers should be dealt with on a confidential basis. In such circumstances only members of the Parent Council and the Head Teacher or his/her representative can attend.
* Dates of all Parent Council meetings will be in the school newsletters and on the school website